The view from the top
P.U.R.E. (Present, Unmasked, Resting, and Embodied) is the compass guiding you through the final stretch of the climb to a being a powerful, rock-solid partner. Anyone who’s summited a mountain knows that the view from the top changes everything—it’s an accomplishment that stays with you for life. The P.U.R.E. method calibrates your inner compass, unlocking reserves of strength and wisdom you may never have tapped into before. This is how you reach the peak, becoming the steady, resilient, and trustworthy partner you’ve set out to be.
What is your "Trident"?
Without a steady core, any change you make is only temporary. Your Trident is the thing that keeps you enduring when you are at risk to "ring the bell" (we'll cover this in Segment Three). Expanding your mindset and capabilities requires stable confidence to navigate the ongoing challenges you’ll face in building a new relationship with your partner. The profound obstacle men face toward the end of the climb is this: not just following a path, but becoming the pathfinder themselves. This is what enables you to hold the light for yourself AND your partner in the dark. To do this, you must address the remaining inner instability and past hurt to be intentional about how you use your strength.
In order to attend to her pain in a meaningful way, you need to finish dissolving your power stance. But here’s the difficult truth: you will never be able to fully absorb and metabolize her experience. Why? Because you don’t face the same systemic inequalities that are part of her reality; you aren’t a woman. But you do experience certain benefits that, when channeled correctly, can become gifts to your partnership. Without self-trust you’ll be drawn back into cycles of hesitation and defensiveness; you’ll default back into D.I.R.E. traits and old habits. The crown of an equity-based partnership is supplying the protection and safety you have the ability to provide… Segment Three shows you exactly how to do this.
Ready to finish strong?
ENROLL IN SEGMENT THREEWhat Will Segment Three Offer?
This segment provides you with the tools and insights to cultivate authentic emotional connection and intimacy.
Channel Your Advantages for Equity
Learn about the mental and emotional labor your partner carries and how to construct an effective masculine role that propels your relationship.
Share the load of partnership
Discover how your ability to provide stability, resources, and emotional security can lead to more comfort, support and connection between the two of you.
Emotional Rest
Understand the importance of resting in your emotions rather than battling against them, creating a safe space for you and your partner.
generate steady confidence
Get equipped with the navigation tools that ignite durability and hope that enables you to lead in the midst of difficult moments with your partner.
Increase your
detection skills
Stop missing opportunities for connection with your partner and learn what creates secure attachment after betrayal.
Living Amends in Action
Enhance your honesty, integrity, empathy and emotional intimacy using the method that keeps you present, unmasked, resting, and embodied.